Search Intent and SEO: Everything You Need to Know

Creating high-demand content and using accurate marketing tactics to get more visitors to your site only to see diminishing results is disappointing. If you cannot detect the cause of losing potential customers, it’s time to learn about search intent and SEO.

Knowing what keywords to target and understanding search intent are necessary to rank well on search engines.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss search intent and how you can use it to inform your SEO strategy. We’ll also go over the different search intent types and how to identify them. Armed with this information, you’ll be able to create content that meets the needs of your audience and ranks higher in search results. Learn everything you need to know about searcher intent and SEO.

What is search intent?

Search intent refers to the reason why someone is conducting a search online. It’s the goal or purpose behind the search, and it can take many different forms. For example, someone might be searching for information on a particular topic, trying to find a specific website, looking to make a purchase, or trying to solve a problem.

Understanding the search intent of users can help businesses and organizations create more effective SEO strategies and create content that is more likely to satisfy the needs of the people who are searching for it. Satisfying search intent is seen as helpful content to Google, which can result in better rankings.

Types of Search Intent

People google the same thing in different ways and sometimes different things in similar ways. As an SEO expert, it is crucial to know the different types of search intent to attract clicks. Every search intent has a different goal in mind.


People use informational searches to find out more about a topic. They want to learn something or understand something better. These searches generally start with Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How.


Transactional searches are searches with the intent to buy something. The intent is to find a particular item they are looking for and purchase or avail of a service by clicking on a link. These types of searches generally start with Buy, Shop, and Purchase.


Navigational searches are searches for a specific website or page. These types of searches generally include the name of the website or page you are looking for.


People use commercial investigation searches when they are looking to buy something, but they want to compare different products or brands before they make a purchase. These types of searches generally start with Compare, Cheapest, and Best. The tone of commercial content is geared towards conversions, using persuasive writing techniques.

How to Identify and Optimize Content for Search Intent

Now that we know the four different types of search intent, let’s look at optimizing your website’s content for search intent. We can do that in four simple steps detailed below.

Analyze the Top Results in SERP

Search Engine Results Pages (SERP) are the pages a search engine displays after a user enters a query. The top results on a SERP are usually the most relevant to the user’s query and are generally from websites considered trustworthy and authoritative by Google.

There may be times when the top results don’t match the user’s intent. For example, if someone searches for “buy shoes online,” they probably want to see results for online stores where they can purchase shoes. The top result may be a blog post about how to pick the perfect pair of shoes.

While this result may be relevant, it’s different from what the user wants. In cases like this, it’s crucial to analyze the top results on SERP to see what content is ranking and why, better known as SERP analysis. This will help you optimize your content for search intent.

When analyzing websites on any SERP, there are a few things to consider:

  • Relevance: Is the content relevant to the user’s query?
  • Intent: Does the content match the user’s intent?
  • Engagement: Is the content engaging and well-written?
  • Authority: Does the site have authority?
  • Rankings: How high is the content ranked on SERP?

Scan Related Searches and “People Also Ask” in Google

When you search on Google, you’re likely to see various results including websites, articles, videos, and more. But have you ever noticed the “Related Searches” and “People Also Ask” sections at the bottom of the page?

These two sections can be beneficial when trying to identify the search intent of a particular query.

The “Related Searches” section appears at the bottom of the page and lists other related searches you may be interested in. This can be helpful if you’re unsure what you’re looking for or want a better understanding of the topic.

For example, if you search for “weight loss tips,” the “Related Searches” section might list out other related searches like “weight loss diet,” “weight loss exercise,” “weight loss surgery,” and more.

The “People Also Ask” section appears as a box with a list of questions. These questions are based on popular searches that other people have conducted.

If you click on one of the questions, you’ll see a related answer from Google. This can be helpful if you want a quick answer to a question without clicking through to a website or article.

For example, if you search for “how to make a website,” the “People Also Ask” section might list out questions like “how much does it cost to make a website,” “how long does it take to make a website,” and more.

Consider Different Forms of Content That Satisfy Search Intent

Different types of content can satisfy different types of search intent. When optimizing your content for search engines, it is important to consider the type of content most likely satisfies the searcher’s intent.

One way to think about this is in terms of the “informational needs” of the searcher. Different types of content can be more or less helpful in satisfying these needs. A searcher looking for information about a particular topic might find a blog post helpful. On the other hand, a searcher looking for specific information about how to do something might find a video tutorial more helpful.

When creating content, you should consider the needs of your target audience and what type of content is most likely to satisfy those needs.

Plan and Create Content Based on Search Intent Research

There is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to content creation. The type of content that works best for your website depends on your business goals and the needs of your audience.

One of the best ways to ensure that your content is effective is to base it on search intent research. This involves understanding how people search for information online and creating content that meets their needs.

Once you have identified your audience’s search intent, it’s time to categorize your content. This will help you determine the appropriate tone, style, and format for your material.

You can identify your content in the following categories for creating compelling content:

  • Keyword
  • Search volume
  • Content format
  • Search intent

Key Takeaways

Understanding the search intent fundamentals will help improve your website’s SEO, ultimately helping you achieve better rankings.

Informational, transactional, navigational, and commercial are four types of search intents audiences use to search for their goal.

Identifying and optimizing content for search intent can be done by:

  • Analyzing the top results in SERP
  • Scanning “Related Searches” and “People Also Ask” sections
  • Considering different forms of content to satisfy search intent
  • Planning and creating content based on search intent.

Unlocking the Power of Bootstrapping: Advantages and Risks

Entrepreneurs have to make many tough decisions— one of them is how they’ll fund their startup. Some prefer to raise funds from investors, while others may find bootstrapping their business as a better option. Even if you do decide to enter one of the main startup funding stages at a later date, it’s important to understand bootstrapping since it can help you launch your business easier.

Bootstrapping your company involves using the resources you have on hand to finance and grow your startup. It’s an attractive option for many entrepreneurs since it doesn’t require them to give up any equity or control in their venture.

But while there are plenty of advantages to bootstrapping your startup, it also has its fair share of disadvantages. Before you make the leap, learn the pros and cons of bootstrapping to make an informed decision.

What Is Bootstrapping?

Bootstrapping is the process of self-funding your own business, typically through personal savings to launch and through revenue generated by the company. With bootstrapping, you don’t receive external investment from third parties. You rely solely on your own resources to build and scale your business.

4 Benefits of Bootstrapping

bootstrapping your business

Bootstrapping can be an effective way for entrepreneurs to get their startup off the ground. By bootstrapping, founders are able to retain complete control over their company and its direction and have more of a say in making important decisions.

More Focus

One of the main advantages of bootstrapping is that it allows you to stay focused on what matters most: growing your business. When startups take on debt or dilute equity, they often become distracted by the need to pay back lenders or manage investor expectations. This can be a huge distraction from running a successful business.

Without the distraction of outside investors, bootstrappers can remain focused on achieving their goals without having to worry about shareholders.

Full Ownership

Bootstrapping also allows founders to maintain full ownership of their business. When taking on investment, you trade control and equity in exchange for capital. This can be a huge disadvantage if you’re an entrepreneur who has the ability to scale up since you lose out on precious equity.

Unlike venture capital, bootstrapping does not involve giving up any equity stake in your company. This means that bootstrappers can remain fully in control and keep all the profits for themselves.

Creative Freedom

Bootstrapping provides founders with the freedom to think outside the box and be creative in their approach. With bootstrapping, entrepreneurs do not have to worry about pleasing investors or meeting other people’s expectations. This allows them to focus on what makes their business unique and gives them more flexibility in how they grow it.

By bootstrapping, you’re not subject to the demands of investors, allowing you to pursue your creative ideas without feeling the pressure of external expectations.

Sense of Fulfillment

For many entrepreneurs, bootstrapping can also provide a great sense of fulfillment. When you rely solely on your resources to fund and grow your business, it’s an incredible feeling of accomplishment. It can also be deeply satisfying to watch your business take off due to all your hard work and dedication.

4 Risks of Bootstrapping

bootstrapping risks

The following are some of the cons to consider when bootstrapping your startup:

Greater Responsibilities

One of the main drawbacks of bootstrapping is that it can place a greater burden on entrepreneurs. When you’re self-funding your business, you’re solely responsible for its success or failure. This means that you must ensure every penny is invested wisely and that all decisions are made with care.

The worst part? There’s no one else to blame if things don’t go as planned. This can be a daunting prospect for many entrepreneurs who may not have the necessary experience or knowledge to run a successful business.

Slower Growth

Another downside to bootstrapping is that it can result in slower growth. Without the help of external investors, startups struggle to increase cash flow to reinvest into their own growth. This means that your business may take longer to reach its desired level of success, which could lead to frustration and disappointment for entrepreneurs.

This is also a competitive disadvantage, where competing companies that have raised investment may earn market share quick enough to kill off your business.

Greater Risk

Stats indicate that 65% of startups admit to not being confident they’ve got enough money to start their business and 29% of startups fail due to running out of funding and personal money.

When you’re bootstrapping, you are relying on your resources and cutting costs wherever possible. This can be risky as it often means sacrificing certain business operations to save money. You’re also putting yourself at risk of running out of funds and closing the business due to the lack of capital.

Without the expertise of external investors, you may also be more likely to make mistakes. This can lead to costly errors and decreased profitability, which could set your business back or even cause it to fail.

Harder to Build Connections

Finally, bootstrapped startups can find it difficult to make key connections in the industry. Without access to the networks of investors, startup founders may struggle to build relationships with potential partners and enterprise customers. This can limit their growth and hinder their ability to expand into new markets or achieve larger-scale success.

Entrepreneurs who bootstrap also may not have the funds to attend important industry events or networking opportunities. These connections are necessary for startups to establish themselves as leaders in their field.

Key Takeaways

Bootstrapping is the process of funding and growing a business using personal resources.

There are both pros and cons to bootstrapping, including:

  • Bootstrapping allows businesses to focus more on their mission and take risks.
  • When you aren’t bound to external investors, it can allow for greater autonomy and flexibility.
  • Bootstrapping can burden entrepreneurs more, as they are solely responsible for the business’s success or failure.
  • It can also result in slower growth, as startups often struggle to raise enough capital to grow quickly.
  • Bootstrapping can also be a riskier way of running a business, as any losses incurred come out of the entrepreneur’s pocket.
  • Bootstrapped startups can also find it more difficult to make key connections in the industry, limiting growth opportunities.

Scheduling Google My Business Posts And Other GMB Tricks

Do you want to use Google My Business (Google Maps) to boost your monthly sales and revenue? Or are you already taking advantage of this free service?

How do you schedule Google My Business Posts?

You can use Google My Business to share your products and services like any social media site.

You can use graphics, text, and call-to-actions (CTAs) to promote your local businesses.

Google offers this free tool and lets company owners handle their digital presence across all Google’s products and services.

One of the greatest methods to attract local customers to your business is to create a Google My Business profile and share posts regularly.

Why Are Google My Business Accounts So Important?

local search

Your business’ local search visibility is amplified with little effort by posting to your Google My Business account. Google favours companies that make GMB posts in local searches. Crafting effective GMB posts is a staple in real estate SEO, home services and any kind of local business that can take advantage of foot traffic.

Local offers give you the chance to make relevant offers at the right time and location.

But, how can you effectively use GMB for your business?

Let’s find out.

How Does Google My Business Work?

Google allows you to create your own GMB profile for free, and setting up your own GMB listing lets you promote your business is a relatively painless process. Here’s how:

  1. Create a business account. You can also use your existing Google Account if you have one.
  2. Fill out all the required information by heading to the Google My Business page.
  3. Hide your address if you don’t have a physical store and only set the delivery area.
  4. Verify your listing. You can choose these different verification methods:
    1. Email
    2. Phone
    3. Postcard (an actual postcard that they will deliver to you)
    4. Instant Verification
  5. Wait for up to two weeks.
  6. Once received, enter the code into your account and click the verification link
  7. Enjoy posting!
google my business signup

Generally speaking, GMB verification will happen via postcard, but it depends on what industry your business belongs to. For some industries, verification can happen instantly with a phone call but for most, you’re going to have to wait a couple weeks. 

It’s also important to note that since the pandemic hit, postcards for many parts of the world have been delayed so it might take more than 2 weeks. In some cases, it can take months, so just be patient!

To help you better understand Google My Business listings, here are ten best practices for your account and how to schedule Google My Business posts to increase sales and revenue.

10 Best Practices for Google My Business Listings

Post Often and “On Time”

As a rule of thumb, spacebar publishes GMB posts for clients on a weekly basis. One post per week. No more, no less.

Since Google doesn’t offer any analytics about the best time to post on your GMB account, it’s important to set your own schedule and tweak it over time based on views and engagement.

You should also consider the timeliness of your offer or post. Is your offer something more suitable for weekends? Or is it something more evergreen, where the day of the week doesn’t matter so much?

Schedule Your Posts

Knowing how to schedule Google My Business posts is essential for your business.

You don’t want to manually post at the same time every week, after all.

Scheduling is your friend.

Scheduling your Google My Business posts is one of the essential strategies for local SEO.

To post to your Google My Business, you’ll need a scheduling tool like Publer.

scheduling google my business posts with publer

Publer is an easy-to-use platform that saves time and lets you do more work than ever.

Keep It Short And Sweet

People don’t spend a lot of time reading long-winded posts on the search results page.

Remember that GMB posts have 1500-character limits. Keep your texts short and direct to the point so you can deliver your message to your audience right away. Your GMB post caption should serve as a CTA to get people to your website. That’s where the conversions happen, right?

Your customer journey from the time they first learn about you to the time they choose to take advantage of your offer must be smooth.

The easier it is for your customer to make a purchase after becoming aware of your product or service, the better.

Do Your Keyword Research

Your GMB’s local ranking for a specific keyword can be improved by including keywords in your questions and answers.

So, while writing your Q&A page, keep your money keywords in mind, but don’t overdo it! No one (including Google’s bots) like keyword stuffing!

Writing a brief post is an excellent opportunity to incorporate keywords likely to be searched for by your target audience.

Think about what words and phrases might pique a potential customer’s interest if you aren’t sure what to write.

If you’re hitting writer’s block, copy and paste your meta description and call it a day. Meta descriptions are written to generate clicks in the first place, so you can use it as a guideline or verbatim.

Make Sure Your Posts Are Polished And Professional

professional GMB photos

Triple checking your posts is not a bad idea when your posts are only going out once a week. Make a habit of reading your post multiple times before publishing it.

Grammatical errors and poorly constructed sentences are often seen in a bad light by savvy consumers.

You don’t want to leave others with a bad first impression. Reviewing and editing your Google My Business posts won’t take much time or effort. Still, putting in a little effort now will pay off in the long run.

Use High-Quality Video and Image Content

Make it easy for your customers to know your brand voice by using images similar to those on your social media pages.

There’s a lot of potential for behind the scenes content here. Include images and videos of your workplace, the people that work there, and the equipment they use.

Restaurant owners should share photos of their dishes, menus, and dining rooms online.

Customers can see multiple angles of products and zoom in and out for additional information with high-quality video and image content.

This strategy also develops confidence and credibility in your business and makes people feel more secure about giving you a shot.

Use Clear CTAs

With different CTA buttons available, you can guarantee that your customer will choose you if you have the right CTA.

CTAs are a great way to get your customers to take the next step, so think about how you can use them in your post.

Include a link to your online ordering website or whatever your company is currently offering. Customers are searching for what you have to offer, so make it easy for them to get.

Make it as simple as possible for them to go forward!

Take them to the page you want them to be on using a CTA link.

Check Your Analytics

local seo analytics

Digital marketing has undergone a significant shift with the widespread adoption of Google Analytics.

If someone searches for your business on Google, you have complete control over what they see. As a result, if you want to increase your visibility and attract local customers, check your analytics to understand how your viewers and customers interact with your profile.

Optimize Your Landing Page

When prospective customers arrive at your landing page, you want to convert as many of them into customers (or email subscribers at least) as possible.

It’s a good practice to optimize your landing pages continuously over time.

KISS Rules for Landing Page Design

  • Keep it clean
  • Keep it simple
  • Be authentic
  • Use a clear and direct CTA

Verify Your Listings’ Information

Verifying your listing is one thing, but verifying all the information on your GMB listing is another.

If your business has inaccurate information, searchers have the opportunity to make suggestions. Google takes these seriously and notifies GMB owners so that they can verify the information for the public.

However, don’t just blindly accept the suggestions that people make! Sometimes people will make incorrect suggestions about your hours, phone number, website address and more. It happens more often than you’d think. 

Angry and scared competitors will sometimes report inaccurate information on your listing too. Sometimes these suggestions can be automatically published to your GMB, so be sure to check back and verify your information regularly. We worked with Bodega Hostels years back and one of their competitors did this quite often. It’s annoying, but essential in local SEO.

Key Takeaways

If you haven’t already claimed your GMB profile for your business, we highly suggest you do this immediately.

And if you’re ready to take your Google My Business listing to the next level, you should set up smart scheduling with Publer.